The editors at NAPCO Media wanted to make data the foundation for their content strategy but they found it was difficult without the necessary tools for success. NAPCO has been working with to shape an increasingly data-driven culture, and they shared with us what they’ve learned.
The Problem: Hard to Access Data
Media organizations in search of affordable access to audience data often turn to Google Analytics. The platform offers advanced analytics capabilities and historical reporting for free, an attractive offer for any digital media organization.
NAPCO Media ran into a challenge though: Google Analytics’ full power required trained users — preventing most of the editors and writers from gaining critical access to actionable data. That meant that only a few people actually knew how to pull usable data, while others were simply guessing at what types of content readers were interested in.
Giving All Editors Access to Data
Of the 40 or so editors across NAPCO Media, fewer than ten felt comfortable with Google Analytics — or used the tool with any regularity. So, while a few teams used insights from analytics to improve their work, they were somewhat rare and always siloed.
After adopting’s analytics dashboard, the use of data among editors increased by 230 percent. Thirty-three editors now log in at least once a month for insight. Instead of adding to the daily work load, the easy access helps the team get in and out quickly.
“We’ve seen enhanced productivity and editorial engagement as two major benefits of using,” said Dave Leskusky, president of NAPCO Media. “Most editors need a quick snapshot to work off of, not countless drop-down menus or drill-down exports. The interface delivers that, saving us valuable time.”
The data-driven culture encouraged and adopted at NAPCO that makes it easy for its employees to make informed content decisions. The more they dig into’s metrics, the better they understand the potential of data-informed decision-making.
“To become more data driven, teams must actually be willing use the data and tools available to them,” added Leskusky. “Every editor can incorporate into their daily routine thanks to its ease of use. This enhances the work the work they do individually and has helped transform our editorial culture as a whole.”
Interested in learning more about how NAPCO was able to use data as a universal foundation for its content strategy? Download the full case study now.
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